
Infographic: the impact of COVID-19 on e-commerce

In the coming years, we will rely even more on digital, as COVID-19 has only accelerated the trends. 68% of consumers surveyed said that COVID-19 has intensified their expectations regarding the digital capabilities of companies.

E-commerce in 2019 around the world

  • 24 million e-commerce websites
  • 2.05 billion online shoppers
  • 3.5 trillion US dollars

Since the COVID-19 pandemic…

  • 25% of physical retail outlets have launched an e-commerce website
  • 88% of consumers tried a new brand
  • 24% of men and 18% of women increased their frequency of online shopping
  • Local vs international: It’s a draw!
    • 50% of online shoppers ordered from an international website
    • 50% of online shoppers ordered from a website in their country of residence

What’s next?

Consumers expect to do more online shopping after the pandemic than they did before. This affects:

  • 58% of B2C consumers
  • 80% of B2B consumers

The customer experience in times of crisis

The demands of Internet users have evolved with the health crisis, so we have a few tips for a successful customer experience:

  • Clearly indicate your shipping times and business hours.
  • Simplify contact with customer service, making it more available and accessible.
  • Allow customers more flexibility when it comes to changing, cancelling or postponing their orders.
  • Be transparent and reassuring to reduce uncertainty.
  • Use the omnichannel approach for synergy between brick and mortar stores and online shops (e.g. click and collect).
  • Provide an online customer experience that is just as good as—if not better than—the in-store experience, with a more interactive website (video demo, shopping guides, chat with an advisor, etc.) and promotion of user-generated content (reviews, product photos, questions/answers, etc.).

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